Data privacy policy for parents

The feedback you give us will not be shared with anyone outside of OnePlusOne and Good Things Foundation.

The only place you can really pass us your personal information is in the feedback form. If you decide to give us your email address or contact details, we will only contact you about this project. We will not reach out to you about other projects, and you will not be subscribed to any newsletters. Your information will be used purely for research purposes – to help us understand more about what is helpful and what isn't.

Any personal data you give will be stored with OnePlusOne, the data controller for this project. It only be viewed by select staff members who require that access, e.g. research officers and technical staff.

If you decide to leave a comment on the site using our chat feature, your personal information will not be stored. We may however use your comment in our research, but we will not record names. In other words, your comments will be anonymous when we record them.

To discuss data privacy further or to ask any questions, please email:

Data privacy policy for practitioners

The only information we might collect is your email address and the name of your organisation.

We will not pass your email address or organisation information to any party outside of OnePlusOne and Good Things Foundation.

By checking the box to say that you are happy to be contacted, our purpose for doing this will be purely for research purposes; to better understand your experiences and general feedback.

We will not reach out to you for any other purpose than that of this project.

Your email addresses will be stored with OnePlusOne, the data controller for this project. These email addresses will only be viewed by select staff members who require that access, e.g. research officers and technical staff.

To discuss data privacy further or to ask any questions, please email: